California Directory and Information Guide
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Directory Results

Cardinal Professional Products
Specializing in fumigants, methyl bromide, Vikane, Phostoxin and other pest control products. Locations in Woodland, Hollister and Anaheim.

EP Container
Supplier of drums, boxes, pails, bags, and absorbents. Located in Cerritos and Newark.

Girardi Bearing Company
Agricultural, industrial and automotive parts. Lists products, vendors, job openings, hours and locations in Salinas and Gilroy.

Hoffmeyer Company
Manufacturer and distributor of industrial rubber products. Lists company history, products and locations.

Los Angeles Rubber Co.
Distributor of industrial supplies including speed reducers, conveyor belting, power transmission, motion control, and rubber products. Locations in Los Angeles, Bakersfield, and Modesto.

Valley Yellow Pages
Independent telephone directory publisher in California. Background, markets covered and employment opportunities.



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